Donate to IVUmed
AUA/Chicago Event

Sat. April 29, 2023

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AUA/Chicago Event to Celebrate and Support IVUmed

Thank you for joining us to learn more about what we do. Your support is critical to our mission.


Thank you to our Hosts

Dr. Scott Eggener and Barbara Eggener

Drs. Ben and Sarah Davies

IVUmed was founded in 1995 to address the global shortage of urological care and training in low-resource areas of the world. Our motto “Teach One, Reach Many,” reflects the impact that each volunteer and supporter has on our mission. The training we provide globally helps ensure that future generations will have access to life-changing surgical care in their own communities.  With you on our team, we are one step closer to closing the global urologic health equity gap.

IVUmed volunteers Dr. Scott Eggener and Dr. Mike Large in Kampala, Uganda , June 2022, with our Ugandan host colleagues.


IVUmed – 3112 Windsor Road, #532 Austin, Texas 78703

© 2023 IVUmed​