IVU volunteer doctors and nurses travel in teams of 3-8 people to teaching hospitals in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean to train their counterparts in urology. Each 6 to 14-day workshop involves intensive training in a specific subspecialty of urology.

Surgical Teaching Workshops

IVU workshops focus on:

  • Reconstructive Urology

    IVU’s reconstructive urology program addresses common and neglected urological conditions, including urethral reconstruction for treatment of urethral stricture and related conditions; genital lymphedema treatment, such as hydrocele repair, for conditions such as lymphatic filariasis; and vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) repair.

  • General Urology

    Our general urology program provides our host partners with training in a variety of topics such as TURP, stones, and endourology.

  • Women's Health

    IVU’s women’s health program focuses on female urology, with an emphasis on incontinence. Our workshops focus on stress incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) repair.

  • Pediatric Urology

    When IVU started in 1992, our first programs were dedicated to pediatric urology. Malformations of the reproductive and urinary tracts are among the most common birth defects affecting children worldwide.

  • Urologic Oncology

    Requests for IVU’s urologic oncology workshops have increased significantly in recent years. Our volunteer experts provide education for treatment of common urologic cancers such as bladder, kidney, and prostate cancer.

Upcoming IVU Surgical Workshops

  • Ghana (Oncology) - August 17-24, 2024: Team full

  • Ethiopia (Recon-adult) - August 16-24, 2024

  • Burundi (Pediatric) - September 20-29, 2024: Anesthesiologist, resident

  • Rwanda (Pediatric) - October 4-13, 2024: Anesthesiologist, resident

  • Vietnam (Pediatric) - October 13-20, 2024: Anesthesiologist, resident

  • Rwanda (Oncology) - November 1-10, 2024

  • Guyana (Recon-adult) - November 1-9, 2024

  • Uganda (Oncology) - November 2024

  • Ghana (Oncology) - November 22 - December 1, 2024

  • Rwanda (Recon-adult) - November 22 - December 1, 2024

  • Thailand (Pediatric) - November 29 - December 8, 2024

  • Ghana (Pediatric) - January 24 - February 2, 2025

  • Saint Lucia (Recon-adult) - February 2025