Teach One, Reach Many

Billions of people worldwide lack access to quality surgical care.

International Volunteers in Urology (IVUmed)
is dedicated to making quality urological care available worldwide. In fulfilling this mission, we provide medical and surgical education to physicians and nurses, and treatment to thousands of children and adults in low-resource settings.

Who We Are

Thanks to a global network of volunteer experts, host partners, academic institutions, and generous supporters, we work to increase access to quality urological care in medically underserved areas of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Each year, we serve hundreds of children and adults in need while training local doctors and nurses. The training we provide helps ensure that future generations will have access to the life-changing surgical care they need to lead healthy, productive lives.

What We Do

  • Surgical Teaching Workshops

    IVUmed volunteer doctors and nurses train their counterparts in teaching hospitals in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

  • Traveling Resident Scholarships

    Urology residents and fellows can apply for travel scholarships to join an IVUmed team for a 1 to 2-week global surgery experience.

  • Research and Impact Measurement

    We measure the impact of our work and partner with our host physicians on research projects. Global health students can apply for scholarships to participate in projects.

  • Global Urology Collaboration

    Organizations, departments, and individuals working in global urology are invited to partner or collaborate with IVUmed to advance our missions together.

Where we work

We partner with dynamic surgeons in teaching hospitals in low-resource areas of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Overall, we have worked in over 30 countries worldwide to build access to quality surgical care.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Learn more about how you can help advance our mission and Teach One, Reach Many. We organize 25-30 surgical training workshops each year that cover most urological subspecialties. Get involved today.

IVU is committed to making quality
urological care available worldwide.

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