Day 23: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2011

Jeremy Myers, MD holding a Mongolian Falcon, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2011.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Myers, MD

The Mongolian surgeons I worked with are the most gracious and grateful group of surgeons I have ever met. They gifted us camel hair blankets, took us to see vultures, and made every effort to tell us about Mongolian history and culture. During the workshop, I received news that a family member was very ill, and I rushed back to the US. A few weeks later, a beautiful cashmere coat arrived, a gift to her from the Mongolian surgeons, wishing her a full recovery. The coat was spectacular. Thankfully, she made a full recovery, and we donated the coat to IVU in their honor to support their mission.

Jeremy Myers, MD
IVU Volunteer Surgeon